After much thought, I have decided that my Architecture and Interiors blog, TenZeroFour will be folded in to Since 2013, I have made TenZeroFour as an exclusive blog for all my Architecture and Design related photography and posts. As I focus more on this site, the need to consolidate my blogs is now needed.
I’ve featured hotels, houses, and architects locally and international. As I transfer posts, selected posts from TenZeroFour will be incorporated slowly before the domain name expires later next year. Some of the posts will be reworked while some multiple features will be consolidated as one, like those of hotels. As what will happen, and my travel blog, will be my main websites while @TenZeroFourPH in Instagram will also remain.

The first TenZeroFour post
Le’ts look back at my first post and why I made that site:
It was on the tenth hour on the fourth minute of the 10th day of the second month in the year 1974 that I was born into this world. And, it is in this auspicious moment that on the same time, 39 years later with the confluence of the start of the year of the water snake, that I am launching
Welcome! is a blog on Architecture and design.
All photography by Estan Cabigas.
Like the TenZeroFour FB page
I have always loved architecture. From shooting old churches as a hobbyist photographer to working on two coffeetable books on Spanish colonial era religious architecture, to being a contributing writer and photographer for Bluprint and Space magazines, both on architecture and design, working on architectural photography is a dream come true.
I’ve always loved the lines and shapes. The contrasts and the similarities. The usage and apportioning of space in the context of man’s desire to build structures both for practical and aesthetic use. These have always intrigued me and it is this reason that I am, finally, launching this site.
It has been more than a year that the domain has been purchased. I’ve searched for architecture and design related names but to no avail. Then I decided, why not my own birth time? It may not sound like design related but it is something very important to me. The next difficult part was finding a suitable WordPress theme that will be simple and elegant at the same time with a minimalist feel to it. I was adamant to start designing a theme from scratch but my desire to have a responsive theme, fit for viewing in smartphones and tablets compelled me to search for existing ones. And I found it.
This blog will feature my architecture photography, from those published in magazines, given as assignments, to ones that I have taken because I like the structures. I do hope that, this will also set a milestone in the practice of architecture photography in the country and one that will showcase what is found in the Philippines and beyond.