It was kind of unfortunate that my original portfolio site for several years,, has disappeared completely. But I should confess that I was negligent that the domain just expired, never renewed until it got deleted from the system. So much content in that old site spanning more or less a decade. Although a sad thing that this happened, on the bright side, it was an opportunity for a rebirth.

Welcome to
Since 2006, I have been a freelance photographer. Although it’s not an all rosy livelihood, there have been low moments that have made me rethink my career, I did enjoy it! From book projects, assignments, international exhibitions and commissions, traveling around the country, meeting people, and dovetailing of my other passions and interests into something that I love working on.
The past year I have looked back and have me thinking on what my future will be. You see, in my working life, I have seen a cyclical change that occurs more or less about every decade. I have been a telecoms engineer for the first ten years as a professional. After resigning from one of the big telecoms company in the country, I have spent the next 13 years as a freelance photographer and writer. And I’m now in the midst of another upheaval.
From to
I’m currently learning a new skill for a long term plan that should see fruition later this year, 2020. Although it’s not related to Photography, I am always and will be a photographer. Photography will become a secondary livelihood once this new plan I’m working on will be realized. As I am transitioning, I have also made a significant change: dropping the e in Estan.
This is now a brand new site. It will mainly be a portfolio site with an attached blog. Check for selected published work and my portfolio.
Again, welcome to